Presentation of the book “Il paesaggio agrario tra obsolescenza e degrado” Verona 5 April 2019

On April 5th at 4 p.m. there will be the presentation of the book entitled “Il Passaggio Agrario tra Obsolescenza e Degrado” at the Messedaglia hall at the cloister of Porta Vittoria, Lungadige Porta Vittoria 41, Verona.

Il volume raccoglie gli atti del Corso regionale di formazione sul paesaggio, tenutosi a Verona nel periodo 8/4/2016 – 10/6/2016.

he book collects the acts of the Regional Landscape Training Course, held in Verona in the period 8/4/2016 – 10/6/2016.
The course was promoted by the Regional Landscape Observatory together with the University of Verona, with the Federations of Orders of Engineers, Architects, Agronomists/Forestals and Geologists of the Veneto Region.
The training event was a Course of Perfection aimed at 40 professionals from Veneto, enrolled in the professional orders of engineers, architects/urban planners, agronomists/forestry and geologists, as well as 20 technicians of the public administrationwho carry out activities in the field of landscape.
The engineer. Andrea A. Mussolin participated as a speaker in the seminar of 20 May 2016 ” Il Paesaggio industriale, riqualificazione e valorizzazione: metodi di analisi per un intervento sostenibile “.
You can download the seminar keynote here:  SEMINARIO_2016_KEYNOTE_MUSSOLIN


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